
Artworks for resale


Vittorio Emanuele Serra

19.69 in x 15.75 in x 0.39 in (height x width x depth)

Italy, Naples

Unique artwork
1 499,00 €
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#Lady #Vittoria #Portrait #Italia #Portugal #Rare #espagne #Huile #Oil #Coloris #Harmony

About the artwork

Oil on canvas applied on a 50x40cm panel entitled "Lady" by Vittorio Emanuele Serra Napoli 1950. Neapolitan painter and set designer with a predilection for portraits, in fact he was born as a portraitist, you can see his great mastery and the brushwork, the great harmony of tones and colours, known as a set designer in many Neapolitan theatres, this portrait is done with great knowledge of tones and of colors.

About the artist

Neapolitan painter and set designer with a predilection for portraits, in fact he was born as a portraitist, you can see his great mastery and the brushwork, the great harmony of tones and colours, known as a set designer in many Neapolitan theatres, this portrait is done with great knowledge of tones and of colors.

Additional information

Unique artwork
Certificate of authenticity
Hand delivery
Negotiable price

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